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Newcastle Lions  Club, monitor and maintain ten defibrillators, their locations are shown in the enclosed  map. If , due to an emergency ,you are in need of a defibrillator, please ring  999 and you will be given the code number to open the cabinet containing the defibrillator. If you use the defibrillator or thankfully do not have to use it, please return the defibrillator to the cabinet from where it was taken, as soon as possible. The address is included on a tag with each defibrillator. When the defibrillator has been returned, Newcastle Lions  Club will inspect it and complete any follow up repairs such as replacing the sticky pads and battery to make it emergency ready.

We also replace the hygiene pack in all cases when the defibrillator is used.


We Serve!

Lions Club of Newcastle

County Down

The Lions Club of Newcastle, County Down is a non-religious and non-political charity made up of ordinary men and women.

We are under the affiliation of Lions Club International which is one of the largest charities in the world.

Every penny we collect is given to charities.

If you have an hour to spare and help our community why not think about joining us.

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Newcastle Lions Fundraisers for Daisy Lodge

Childhood Cancer Month is a global Lions cause marked across Ireland and further afield annually in September. As Daisy Lodge is in the locality of Newcastle Lions the Club are raising awareness and fundraising for Daisy Lodge. OnFriday 27th September 2024 between 10am-12noon  Scopers Main Street Dundrum will host  a coffee  morning sponsored by Paul Cunningham for Daisy Lodge.

On Saturday 28th September 2024 part of Newcastle Promenade will be decorated with knitted and crotched daisies made by Creative Village Dundrum and all are welcome to take a short Dander from the Cone of Light near the Donard Park end of the Promenade to the White Bridge at either 10.30am or 2.30pm As this is a short walk families are invited to join in and local Lions will be collecting along the route.

Noel Thompson formerly of BBC News will once again launch this event.

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We raise funds for worthy causes and individuals.


We organise service activities to assist people in our community.

- Maintain 10 defibrillators in Newcastle area,

- Collect & recylcle spectacles, bikes, sewing machines, & tools for Africa.

- Collect for the Pantry Foodbank.


We have different activities each year.

- The Daisy Dander in support of Daisy Lodge.

- Monthly coffee mornings.

- We organize Pub Quizes and street collections for various causes.

We assist and support different schools, groups, individuals, and charities each year local and international.

- Our local senior schools take part in an annual Peace Poster competition.

- Spectacles recycling supported by local opticians and councils.

Preloved spectacles can be left in the Library and local opticians.

We need your help to help others.

- A 2 hour commitment each month will make a difference.

- We meet once a month in the Burrendale Hotel at 7.30pm on 2nd Tuesday of the month.

- Where there's a need there's a Lion.


We organized Coffee Morning every last Thursday of the month at 11am.  Venue to be announced.

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