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We meet in Burrendale Hotel and SPA every second Tuesday of each month at 7.30 pm. Coffee Morning every last Thursday of the month at 11am in different venues agreed at the regular monthly meeting.


The last week of term was a busy one for Shimna College students and staff as they partnered with the Newcastle Lions club in a great Environment Project. Students from years 8-11 marked World Environment Day with 3 days of volunteering work as they went green with the Lions engaging in beach and park cleans ensuring that Donard Park, Castle Park and the foreshore were cleaned for summer visitors. In addition, one group helped clean and prepare spectacles for dispatch to France, where they are inspected and graded before being sent to other countries in need.

The students really engaged with great enthusiasm and have made a real difference to our local community and beyond. Ben Ryan from “Keep NI Beautiful” helped by providing some equipment and our yellow high vis jackets adorned with the tag line" live here - love here" were very popular.

Newcastle Lions would like to thank all the students and staff who took part for their fantastic support and we look forward to developing this partnership further with Shimna College.

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Newcastle Lions club President Liz Murphy was delighted to finish her term of service by presenting a cheque for £600 to Mourne Mountain Rescue team member Harry Teggarty. This money was raised during the street collection organised by the Newcastle Lions during May for the Mourne Mountain Rescue Service and the Lions would like to record their sincere thanks to the people of Newcastle and surrounding area for their generous donations to the collection.

Photo L to R Harry Teggarty, President Liz Murphy and Vice District Governor Marian McGreevy

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With Newcastle Lion President, Liz  Murphy term of office nearly over, on Saturday it was with great pride, President  Liz  Murphy was thrilled to help clean one of the newly replaced defibrillator cabinets. The original defibrillator cabinets had all began to rust and the club successfully  for  £5,500.00 from the  Communities  National  Lottery  Fund to replace the ten of these. Having completed three years as Newcastle Lion  President Liz Murphy, was pleased that her last job in office was to see the cabinets being installed. During her three years, Liz was thrilled to see the membership numbers grow and overcome the strains of the club coming through Covid. The club have made many donations to charities, including  the  Children's cancer Fund and has also fund raised for the new Mourne Mountain Rescue rebuild fund. The club helped promote awareness of Tourette's  Syndrome on World  Disability  Day. President Liz was also thrilled that the club will attend an event in  Stormont on the 2nd  July to promote A vision of Reuse and  Repair. At the club's last meeting, President Liz was applauded for the great work she had completed  and best wishes were passed to incoming President John  McDonagh.

Photograph Lion President  Liz  Murphy cleans one of the new defibrillator cabinets

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