On Saturday last the possible cardiac arrest of the Danish footballer Christian Eriksen was watched by millions on live television. The incident occurred while he was playing for his country against Finland in the Euros 2020 and has brought home to many that the instant accessibility of a portable defibrillator can help save a life.
This week following the renovations at the Castlewellan Community Centre, Newcastle Lions arranged to relocate the 10th Geoff Cartwright /Newcastle Lions Club defibrillator. and then registering it with the Circuit/British Heart Foundation .This then enabled President elect Liz Murphy to confirm that the Castlewellan defibrillator was now emergency ready. Newcastle Lion guardians will now monitor the 10th defibrillator and the nine other defibrillators located in Newcastle and Maghera.
The defibrillators in Newcastle have been using numerous times and recharged to ensure their continued availability. The most recent incident occurred on Wednesday 16th June and the same defibrillator was also used the week previous for another emergency incident.
Finally President Elect Liz Murphy would also like to thank everyone who supported the club's street collection which raised £406.00 . Like all donations to the Lions, 100% will be going to worthy charities.
Photograph: Newcastle Lion President Elect Liz Murphy installs the 10th GCDA defibrillator at Castlewellan Community Centre.
