On Tuesday last, Newcastle Lions Club were pleased to have one of the service activities which they undertake, in managing and maintaining ten defibrillators , promoted on television on BBC NI Newsline , BBC Digital Service and on the radio on Evening Extra. The club have been undertaking this work for five years . They also now have help from staff from TGem Healthcare .
As part of the news article, the Lions were interviewed by BBC NI Health Reporter, Rory O'Reilly. He also interviewed Stephanie Leckey from NIAS and Sean Mc Laughlin whose life was saved by a defibrillator. While taking part in a charity boxing match in Ardglass, Sean took a heart attack and the defibrillator had to be enabled on three occasions to save him The news article has helped promote information about the work of Lions in Northern Ireland.
2 VDG Marian McGreevy is interviewed for BBC NI by their health reporter Rory O'Reilly

Lion Frank McGreevy gives an interview with BBC NI Rory O'Reilly re one of the Lion defibrillators.
