The Melvin Jones Award which is named after the founder of Lions Club International Melvin Jones, was created in 1973, and is the highest form of honour and recognition made by Lions Club International. It recognises outstanding commitment to humanitarian work made by an individual and Melvin Jones Fellows receive a lapel pin and a personalised wall plaque. At their monthly meeting on Tuesday last Newcastle Lions president John McDonagh and Vice District Grosvenor Marian McGreevy presented the award to Dan O’Reilly. Over a number of years Dan has been involved in club projects such as looking after the ten defibrators in Newcastle, Maghera and Castlewellan, organising the collection of glasses which are sorted and sent to Lions Medico France where they are refurbished and graded before being dispatched to Africa, Asia and South America through the network of Lions Clubs as well as organising the Annual recycling day when donations of bicycles both rusty and good, as well as sewing machines, treadle or electrical and tools- broken or good are collected and after refurbishment are sent to Malawi, Tanzania and Madagascar. District Governor of Ireland Lions District 133 James O 'Loughlin stated he could not think of a more deserving Lion to receive the award and he reflected on Dan's quiet but effective work which is an inspiration to us all. He sent his warmest congratulations to Dan and his family on this superb achievement. Dan's wife Eilish, sons Dominic and Daniel, daughters Jane and Aoife and Jane's 3 sons were all present for the occasion.
