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Newcastle Lions make donation to India Appeal.

Newcastle Lions

Photograph: Zone Chairperson Dan O' Reilly receives a cheque for £200.00 from Newcastle Lion President Marian McGreevy.

During the last 18 months most charitable groups have President Marian found fund raising very difficult and some have not survived because of this. In using the medium of zoom, Newcastle Lion Club have been able to keep in regular contact with its members and also been able to undertake some fund raising. In keeping to Covid 19 rules, the club have found zoom meetings to be very enjoyable and have ran different fund-raising events including a night at the races. Last week a very successful "zoom pub quiz" was held and the club were able to make a donation of £200.00 to the Lions International India Appeal. The cheque which Lion President Marian McGreevy presented to Zone chairperson Dan O'Reilly who will forward it to the Lions District treasurer. The funds raised will be used to enable Lions clubs throughout India to purchase and distribute critical medical equipment and supplies for local hospitals and clinics. Already because of donations from many Lion Clubs in Ireland there has been a very positive response to this appeal. The District Treasurer is already in a position to transfer €26,000, to LCIF.

In early June Newcastle Lions will hold a street collection. Last year during the worst of Covid 19 the club held a street collection which was compliant with health and safety rules relating to the pandemic. If you are unable to make a donation on the day of the street collection but would like to, then please visit the club's website at and donate. 100% of your donation will go to charity.



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