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Newcastle Lions - much like a snowball rolling down a hill that got bigger and bigger.

Newcastle Lions

In looking back over the last four Covid months one would despair and say as a lion group we should just shut up shop and bunker down. Not so Newcastle lions, inspired by Lion President Marian Mc Greevy. In October a successful street collection was held and then in November Newcastle Lions used a very large electronic screen to highlight the club's participation in World Diabetes day. By December things were really looking black with all routes to Christmas fund raising at supermarkets and hotel parties closed to the lions. Acting on the buzz words, make your negative an opportunity, Newcastle members held a 12,000 steps over the 12 days of Christmas sponsored walk in aid of the Chest Heart & Stroke and Diabetes Research .With each Lion restricted to a maximum of 14 others taking part ,the public were encouraged to donate via a Paypal account on the club's website, The sponsored walk was also mentioned by Lion Marian when interviewed on BBC Radio Ulster on the Rigby Show on Christmas Eve. The club topped Christmas off, with a donation of 6 Christmas Family size Hampers, containing, turkey, ham, sausages, stuffing and vegetables to Newcastle Foodbank Pantry. The value of the hampers ie £240.00 was also matched by the club with a donation of £240.00 cheque to the Pantry. The Foodbank in Newcastle cater for a large number of needy families from Attical - Newcastle and before Christmas the volunteers of the foodbank delivered 188 Christmas meals and 6 hampers. Newcastle Lions have roared and say bring on 2021 we are ready for you.

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