In his address to Newcastle Lion members at their first meeting on Tuesday, Lion President John McDonagh said having helped to pack glasses dispatched to France , that this was a wonderful example of the Circular Economy in action where we try to minimise waste, in this case spectacles. John also thanked the people of Clough and Newcastle for their fantastic financial support over the Christmas period. As a result of this the Lions are now distributing the money raised by making donations to various groups.
On Monday John met up with four other Lion members to sort and pack glasses and cases. This would not have been possible with out the generosity of Newcastle shops including Saltrock, Regatta and Essence who provided strong boxes. As a result of recent spectacle collections just under 2,000 pairs of glasses and a large number of spectacle cases were dispatched.
The glasses come from various location where collection bins are available, including our library, GPs, and the opticians McGloins, Judith Long Clough Health Centre and Specs- Express and Eye World Kennedy Centre Belfast ,as well as the four Belfast City Council recycling centres. Having dispatched the glasses to Lions Medico France, the glasses are sorted and cleaned. Lion Clubs all over the world then request these to help people in need.
Newcastle Lion members, Irene Martin, President John Mc Donagh, Frank McGreevy and Terry O'Reilly sort and pack glasses.

Seven large boxes containing nearly 2,000 pairs of glasses bound for France.
